Fallout 4 settlements list

Fallout 4 Settlements List and Guide

Its graphical user interface is often overly opaque, and also at instances Fallout 4 has a number of the exact technical dilemmas since Bethesda's prior matches, from unusual AI quirks to performance hitches and genuine hard locks of the computer software. It unforgiving. And even though a next-gen visual overhaul, its human personalities look a small terrifying. I am not nearly as large a fan of the Diamond City radio DJ since I had been of Three Dog at Fall-out 3. While this can be lifted directly from previous Fallout matches, fall-out 4 is considerably compact within the way in which that the player character's talents are all managed. Each SPECIAL skill H-AS 10 capacities also each talent needs a rank in the skill. When you level up, you have a single purpose, which you may use to unlock an skill, or to increase your entire SPECIALs. Granted, the change was scary -- accessible bonuses and abilities are shown on a poster, list every perk available. Competency must not be considered a bullet tip to get a game's store web page, however, it was obscure to really enjoy the gunplay in fall-out 4 soon after trudging through the controls in literally every other game Bethesda was left. Functional used to be the watchword, plus it's been replaced by something that can actually be fun. Clearly, skill shots aren't always possible, and weapons have stats that influence precision, their effectiveness, recoil and the like -- particularly today that you may alter just about every object of equipment.

Wrote by https://sites.google.com/site/progamesblog2020/

In spite of that shift, Fallout 4 feels familiar outside at the Commonwealth, fall out's alternate history catchall merging of those brand new England states that nearly all reluctantly includes Massachusetts and Boston. Except that fall out 4's shooting and movement allow it to feel like a more practical, qualified shooter now. Like every fall out game, fall-out 4 places you in the sneakers of a fish from water, then thrown into the wasteland remains of the nuclear post-apocalypse. A few taxpayers could find shelter over the Vaults large, gigantic , hyper-advanced underground cities designed to hold out against the end of the world ahead of the dinosaurs fell. You act as finds himself separated from his loved ones and hauled 200 decades into the long term.

Monday 19 February 2018

Survivalist's rifle


← Older revision Revision as of 21:34, 19 February 2018
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This weapon was originally a U.S. checkpoint guard carbine used in [[Canada]], issued from the [[Long Branch Arsenal]] in [[Toronto, Ontario]], [[United States of America|USA]] territory. Chambered with the [[12.7mm round]], this rifle was supposed to offer guards the firepower necessary to intercept anyone attempting to breach a checkpoint, regardless of equipment.<ref>The weapon's writing</ref>
This rifle is a special-purpose weapons designed for use by personnel requiring an accurate, high-powered weapon with excellent penetration, such as checkpoint guards. The standard [[service rifle]] barrel was replaced with a shorter, more maneuverable one, while the chamber and magazine well were modified to accept a new ammunition type: The 12.7&nbsp;mm cartridge. It offered good ballistic performance, firepower, and penetration at range, making it ideal for eliminating threats that would otherwise prove resistant to standard-issue 5.56&nbsp;mm or high velocity 5&nbsp;mm rounds. This particular rifle was issued to occupation troops stationed in [[Canada]], where resistance fighters remained a constant threat to military operations. In fact, it was assembled and issued from [[Long Branch Arsenal]] in [[Toronto, Ontario]], forcibly annexed as a [[United States of America|USA]] territory.<ref>Weapon markings and intended role, based on dimensions and choice of caliber.</ref><ref name="Beowulf"></ref>
It was used by [[Randall Clark]], a [[United States Army]] veteran who was stationed on the Canadian front and witnessed atrocities carried out in the name of the Stars and Stripes first-hand. Carrying it with him on the way home, to [[Salt Lake City]], it became his closest friend after the city was obliterated by nuclear fire and he sought refuge in [[Zion Canyon|Zion]]. Lacking gunsmithing skills, he repaired damage by jury-rigging the rifle, replacing damaged wooden parts with furniture salvaged from other weapons and binding it with metal clamps. Its front sights were bent out of position during one of his many combat encounters in the canyon. The Survivalist never fixed it, adapting to using it bent.<ref>[http://ift.tt/2oio2Zp] Description according to Josh Sawyer.</ref>
[[File:Survivalist's rilfe blown up.png|thumbnail|left|Survivalist's rifle expanded]]
[[File:Survivalist's rilfe blown up.png|thumbnail|left|Survivalist's rifle expanded]]
This particular rifle is the unique variant of the [[service rifle]]. Compared to the standard variant, the barrel of this rifle is shorter in length, but wider in diameter to accept the 12.7mm rounds it chambered for. It once belonged to [[Randall Clark]], an ex-U.S. army serviceman who found himself seeking refuge in [[Zion Canyon|Zion National Park]] following the [[Great War]]. The Survivalist's rifle was used by the Survivalist for decades and shows signs of improvised repair such as clamps on the foregrip wood and mismatched wood furniture. The front sight is also bent and damaged. [[Randall Clark]] apparently couldn't repair it, using it as-is.<ref>[https://archive.is/ygSKM] Description according to Josh Sawyer.</ref> Using the upper right side of the bent front sight as your aiming point corrects this, providing a usable, albeit confusing, solution to this problem.
The unique [[service rifle]] is an excellent general purpose weapon effective at all but the longest ranges. It offers considerable firepower, good accuracy, acceptable [[action point]] cost in VATS and a high rate of fire in regular combat. Its performance is only slightly hampered by the damaged sights: The upper right side of the bent front sight is where the rounds will land. Adapting to it takes a bit of practice, but in the end, it's no different than regular sights on other weapons, such as [[This Machine]].  
In terms of in-game performance, the rifle has a quick rate of fire, relatively low spread, respectable AP cost, and a high damage that can be raised considerably with [[Grunt]]; the damage is slightly higher than [[This Machine]] loaded with regular [[.308 round (Fallout: New Vegas)|.308 rounds]] if Grunt is taken, but the Survivalist's rifle shoots faster and is far more accurate. Even if This Machine is loaded with .308 JSPs, the damage difference isn't substantial and can be mitigated by using 12.7 JHPs from the ''[[Gun Runners' Arsenal]]'' add-on.
[[This Machine]] is the closest analogue to the Survivalist's rifle in the base game, especially if the player selects the [[Grunt]] perk which boosts both weapons' damage output. In this situation, Survivalist's has a slightly higher damage than [[This Machine]] loaded with regular [[.308 round (Fallout: New Vegas)|.308 rounds]] in this situation, shoots faster, and is more accurate. If using alternative ammunition, This Machine takes the lead by a slim margin if loaded with [[.308 JSP]]. However, the gap closes if Survivalist's receives [[12.7mm JHP]] rounds from ''[[Gun Runners' Arsenal]]''.
However, it uses rare 12.7mm rounds that generally must be bought from vendors, and the high rate of fire makes it relatively easy to expend surplus ammunition if not careful. The spread is high enough where a sniper rifle may be a better option for very long ranges. The bent iron-sights, which can be rectified, may require a bit of practice if using true iron sights.
The one drawback of the rifle is that 12.7mm rounds are rarely found in the wild and usually must be purchased from vendors. Coupled with its high fire rate, it's definitely a choice for the affluent Courier.
* [[Service rifle]], the common variant.
* [[Service rifle]]: Basic variant.
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Found at the [[Red Gate]] in a [[survivalist hidden cache]] marked "The Survivalist's Duffle Bag" next to Randall Clark's skeleton. [[yao guai (Honest Hearts)|Yao guai]], [[Cazador|giant cazador]]es, [[Gecko (Fallout: New Vegas)|green gecko]]s, and/or [[bighorner]]s may be found here as well. During [[The Advance Scouts]] quest, [[White Legs]] may find the rifle and take it to use. The player will have to kill them to get the rifle.
* [[Red Gate]]: Found in [[survivalist hidden cache|The Survivalist's duffle bag]] near Randall Clark's remains. The area is populated by [[yao guai (Honest Hearts)|yao guai]], [[Cazador|giant cazador]]es, [[Gecko (Fallout: New Vegas)|green gecko]]s, and [[bighorner]]s may be found here as well. If the player doesn't collect the weapon before  [[The Advance Scouts]] quest, [[White Legs]] may collect the rifle from the bag and use it in combat. In this situation, the player may miss out on the rifle entirely if it's not collected before the end of the DLC, as all White Legs despawn at that point, together with any remaining loot.
==Behind the scenes==
* The United States roundel on this weapon features 13 stars around a central large star.  
* ''Arrêt!'' and ''Stop!'' are carved onto the rifle's stock, referencing its use in occupied Canada's bilingual regions. Interestingly, while the words are presented as verbs, the French one is a noun, as in ''arrêt de bus'' (''bus stop'').
==Behind the scenes==
* The Survivalist's rifle was loosely based on the .50 Beowulf AR-15 platform conversion.<ref name="Beowulf">[http://ift.tt/2ocLFmK] According to J.E. Sawyer</ref>
* The French word ''"Arrêt"'', translated as the words "stop" or "halt", on one side of the stock is paired with "Stop" written in English on the other side of the rifle's stock. This, combined with information from [[Randall Clark terminal entries|Randall Clark's terminal entries]], indicates that this rifle was used during the U.S. occupation of a bilingual area of Canada. However, the way it is written on the rifle is in noun form so it would be closer to "a stop" (e.g. a bus stop) as found on stop signs in French.
* ''LONG BRANCH ARSENAL ONTARIO, USA TERRITORY'' are printed onto the weapon above the trigger, together with a thirteen star variant of the United States roundel. Long Branch is found in the southwest end of Toronto, Ontario. During both World Wars, a small area further west of Long Branch known as Port Credit manufactured rifles used by the Canadian forces during the wars.
* The Survivalist's rifle was loosely based on the .50 Beowulf AR-15 platform conversion.<ref>[http://ift.tt/2ocLFmK] According to J.E. Sawyer</ref>
* Above the trigger the words "LONG BRANCH ARSENAL ONTARIO, USA TERRITORY" are present. Long Branch is actually found in the southwest end of Toronto, Ontario. Historically during WWI and WWII, a small area further west of Long Branch known as Port Credit manufactured rifles used by the Canadian forces during the wars.
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* If you complete ''Honest Hearts'' before retrieving the rifle and a non-player character has picked up the rifle, you will not be able to acquire the rifle; all non-player characters besides enemies disappear from Zion upon completion of the add-on, and the White Legs that spawn near the Red Gate are also disabled.

from The Vault - Fallout Wiki - Recent changes [en] http://ift.tt/2ohgZ32

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